Website Manager

Field Status


Northshore Little League utilizes 3 different organizations for fields. Please utilize these services for up date information on field status.

  • (NAF) Northshore Athletic Fields - NAF utilizes twitter for updates. (these are also posted on our website front-page) NAF does a nice job keeping this updated and its been dependable.
    • Fields: NAF1/2/3/4/5/6/7.
  • City of Bothell - Rain-out line: 425-806-6760. This line is not consistently updated, and in most cases its best to visit the field on status.
    • Fields: Doug Allen, Cedar Grove Park,  and NorthCreek Sports Fields 1/2/3/4
  • (NSD) Northshore School District - Unfortunately there aren't resources and we depend on coaches checking the fields and updating their teams on playability.